Frequently Asked Questions! 
Everything you really need to know about our services.

Why sealcoat?
Asphalt is made up of stones, fine sands, and asphalt binder.  Binder acts as the glue to hold all of these aggregates together and provides a rich, black color. However, over time, the asphalt begins to oxidize with sun, rain, snow and other elements, fading asphalt to gray.  As it continues to oxidize and absorbs water, it becomes less flexible, brittle, cracks more easily leading to large gaps, severe cracking and potholes. Heavy loads such as cars, equipment, boats, RV’s, winter freeze/thaw cycles combined with UV rays, chemicals, rain, snow, salt, plowing, chemical spills, your asphalt will rapidly deteriorate, break apart and disintegrate 50% faster if not sealed.

What do I have to do to prepare for my SEAL DAY?                                                                                                                                       We do not have timed appointments. We start at 7am-6pm. Call the office day of seal , we can let you know if it will be an AM/PM appointment. 1. Area to be sealed must be clear of vehicles/objects BEFORE crew arrives.(have it cleared night before) 2. Payment ready/due day of seal. (have special payment arrangements made prior to seal day if needed). 3. DRIVEWAY WILL NOT GET SEALED if no one home with no payment arrangement in place or Vehicles/objects in driveway upon crews’ arrival (the exact amount of time needed to complete job is allocated for each driveway which doesn’t include moving cars out of garage/driveway) a note will be placed in your mailbox, time dated and reason (10% of total price will be applied to reschedule). 4. 24 hour notice is required if you cancel your seal day so we can fill that spot. 5. If you cancel day of seal or driveway not ready to be sealed when crew arrives a reschedule fee of 10% of total price (provided there is availability) will be applied to form of payment used. 6. If it is going to rain, the office will call you the morning of your seal day with the rescheduled day. Please make sure your driveway is ready to be sealed and payment is in place on your seal day. We will do the rest. We want everyone to have a smooth, efficient, positive seal day.

What is sealcoat?
A protective coating that sits on top of the asphalt and acts as a barrier to prevent deterioration.  It provides a non-porous, waterproof coating making it easier to clean, adding durability, flexibility and prevents water, chemicals, salt from being absorbed into the asphalt. Keeping the asphalt sealed will significantly increase the life and beauty of the asphalt. TIP...sealcoat is NOT a resurfacing.  If your asphalt is rough, rocky, lot of cracks,  dips, it will still be visible but sealed and protected from further damage.  Compare it to applying sunscreen on your skin, saran wrap over your food, or a waxed car. Studies have proven that sealcoating significantly prolongs the life of asphalt measured in years!!

How often do I have to sealcoat?
Frequency is based on how your drive is used, and location it in the direct sun all day, is it heavily salted every winter, aggressive snow plowing, constant heavy vehicle traffic, trees with sap, oil/gas spills or household chemicals poured on it, etc.  A majority of our customers have it sealed annually for aesthetics and snowplowing, however every 2-4 years is an acceptable maintenance schedule based on usage and location. Never sealed or sealer completely worn off, it’s highly recommended to seal 2 consecutive years or 2 x same year to make sure all layers are thoroughly saturated with sealer then to your regular Maintenance schedule. I only use the best commercial high grade, high traffic Sealer available, strictly following the manufacturers guidelines. I fortify the sealer using my own proprietary formula to boost the richness/depth of color, longevity, and durabilty of the sealer.   TIP...if rain/water stops beading up then it's time to reseal. 

How long do I have to wait before I can use the driveway after it's been sealed?
You can walk on it after 24 hrs.  48-72 hrs. for vehicle traffic.  Full shaded areas go with the 72 hour timeline.

Sealer will efficiently and effectively encapsulate and protect all types of cracking. Crack filler can not be used on feather, hairline, alligator or edge cracks. Fillable cracks must be in the body of the driveway, linear, and less than 20% in totality of the driveway. I only use AQUAPHALT for repairs which cost more but is a permanent repair process saving you money from repeated costs of having to continuously repair the same spot year after year.  Dips, sinking, edge cracks/crumbling are structual issues and can only be remedied by cutting out and rebuilding. A paving company would provide that type of service.

Do I have to be home to have it sealed and for payment? 
NO... however, driveway must be clear of vehicles/objects BEFORE crew arrives. Payment must be arranged BEFORE seal day. Pre-payment can be made  through our website on the Contact/Pay Now page

Payment method accepted?                                                                                                                                                                                          Cash or credit card.  ***Credit Cards will have an additional 10% bank fee added to the total cost. Personal checks are not accepted.

What is the price of sealcoating?                                                                                                                                                                                  Driveways with the same square footage can be significantly different in cost. Pricing is not only based on square footage but condition of surface, type of surface (porous, rough, uneven, binder), prep work required to get it in sealcoating condition, location, angles, steepness, detail work required.  Unsealed or binder will cost more as it soaks up significantly more sealer and requires more time.  Driveways requiring extra prep work such as excessive debris, weeds, overgrowth, extensive cracks, repairs, will cost more in labor and sealer.  Once we get your driveway in proper condition and sealcoated maintaining your driveway and keeping it sealed will decrease the cost of labor and sealer.    The cost to sealcoat your asphalt is minimal compared to the cost of having to replace parts of it or all of it prematurely.                                                                                                                                                     

What is the best time of year to seal my driveway?
For proper curing, sealcoat requires nightly temperatures of minimum 50 degrees and above 65 during the day. May 1 - Oct.1  are the optimal sealcoating times.

YOU deserve the best.  Make Jason Goodenough your SEAL GUY specialist and see what he can do for you!  

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